Is bio really that logical?

We often receive questions from our customers around the certification of our coffees. This complex story requires nuance and is impossible to mold into a fixed framework. We took quite a journey and are happy to take you through it: how we approach it and where we want to go. Because the road is long and we are not (quite) there yet.

the right partner

The purchase of coffee is done through so-called “traders". These come in all shapes and sizes. Ray&Jules looks for traders/partners who operate transparently, who know which farmers and/or cooperative they buy coffee from and what price the producer received for it. Preferably we find a partner who puts us in direct contact with the farmer(s) so we can discuss the price together and go on site to deepen the cooperation.

Once found, it is a matter of choosing a good coffee for a good price. For Ray&Jules, the latter goes in two directions: on the one hand, a good price for the farmer that allows him to make a good living and, on the other hand, a price that we consider reasonable for the quality of his coffee.

The principle we follow is simple: either we go on site ourselves and know our farmers - then we “dare” to work without certificates.

Our goal is definitely the first track; building sustainable partnerships with producers or cooperatives.

A sustainable partnership is:


a long-term cooperation; that is, not buying up a crop once, but buying it every year and going on site,


one in which the farmer also co-negotiates the price of the product, either directly or through a reliable partner. Taking into account the cost of production, extra margin for investment in the plantation and what is needed to live a dignified life,


also share the same vision about ecology, looking together for ways to approach cultivation in a more regenerative/organic way. A responsibility we want to take with respect for the farmer.

Conversely, for coffees where we have no visibility into (1) the chain and/or, (2) no guarantees as to what the farmer gets paid and/or, (3) the cultivation is more or less respectful of the ecosystem, there we choose Fairtrade and Organic (FTO) certification.

Fairtrade or impact story ?

Where is the relevance?

For Ray&Jules, it is important in choosing a coffee that there is a meaningful impact. This can be done in various ways, but by building a relationship with the producer, visiting and coming back, you keep your finger on the pulse and feel/see where the relevance is.

For example, working specifically with women (Brilliant Ben) or young people (Preview Honduras), supporting a project around child labor (Spicy Sara), buying up the entire crop annually (Powerful Peter), paying a good price to allow investment in the plantation/quality...

The mandate to decide for themselves

The Fairtrade label defines in more general terms what is to be done with that fair trade premium, which is not always in line with real local needs. The terms are usually set by the consuming countries. By working directly with producers, you also give them the respect and thus the mandate to decide for themselves what to do with this money and they do not have to answer for it.

what are you investing in?

Finally, Fairtrade certification is a serious investment, both administratively and financially. Individual, small-scale farmers cannot do this alone. These are often large(er) farms or farmers affiliated with a cooperative.

Many producers believe that the added value of the label does not outweigh the efforts. Time and money invested in this, according to farmers we have already spoken to, would be better spent on the upgrades they themselves deem necessary and the further development of direct relationships.

It's also great for the farmers themselves to know who they are selling to. Through Whatsapp or online meetings, we keep them updated on how their coffee is doing here, what story we tell and how we roast it:

“Hello, my name is Hidardo Fernandez, I am founder of Cafesmo. We are very satisfied to work with Ray&Jules because they are very reliable and it is an innovative company.

We have a direct relationship and on top of that we get a very fair price for our coffee. We sell to them our BIO coffee from our small-scale farmers harvested here in Ocotepeque. We feel very honored to work with Ray&Jules.”

Bio or more ?

Beyond principles

Central to the BIO or Organic label are the prohibition of (1) synthetic, chemical fertilizers and pesticides and (2) GMO (genetically modified organisms). Ray&Jules stands behind the principles because they least disturb the ecosystem, yet we look beyond them.

from organic in practice to agroforestry

In practice, many farmers produce organic, but do not have the resources to purchase the label. In that case, we feel that the lack of that certifiering should not prevent us from engaging with them.

In addition, Ray&Jules believes more in systems of regenerative agriculture or agroforestry practices, which seek to actively restore the ecosystem and increase biodiversity and crop diversification (which again is beneficial to the economic vulnerability of families).
We are also exploring alternative labels; such as the recent “Regenerative Organic Certified".

from the rich west ...

The tricky point here is that we from the rich, consuming part of the world 'demand', expect, that farmers work towards organic certification or something similar. They are on their feet every day; who are we to impose these kinds of conditions?

It must be clear to the farmers that they can gain from this kind of transition ánd they must be guided by experts, so that they don't lose half their harvest after a big adjustment, for example.

In short ...

Each Ray&Jules coffee is carefully selected based on quality and according to the portfolio of flavors we want to offer you. We strive to always act deliberately and thoughtfully, and this is an ongoing and challenging process. Instead of blindly relying on certificates, we believe that the real difference is made by working closely with local farmers. A collaboration in which everything is decided with them, rather than for them.

This principle ensures that each Ray & Jules coffee has a unique impact and its own particularities. So that you can enjoy it with pride and peace of mind.

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